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Transfer to University of Washington Tacoma
Are you interested in transferring to the University of Washington Tacoma?
Tacoma Community College and the University of Washington Tacoma have partnered up to support transfer student admissions. Peter Vleck is the TCC to UWT Transfer Admissions Advisor. Book an appointment with Peter to explore transfer programs, review admissions requirements, and begin the transfer student application process.
Set up a Transfer Appointment
Select the TCC to UWT Transfer appointments available on the date of your choosing.
Book an AppointmentExplore UWT Majors
Determining your area of study can help you get a head start on you graduation requirements.
Explore MajorsUWT Transfer Information
Review transfer requirements to make the most out of your time at TCC.
Transfer RequirementsTransfer Planning Worksheets
Advising Holds - Frequently Asked Questions
What is an Advising Hold?
The Advising Hold prevents students from registering for next quarter classes until a student connects with an Academic Advisor to confirm their class schedule and check in on their educational progress. The Advisor will then remove the Advising Hold and students can proceed to register for classes once their registration date/time has come (for your specific registration time please access the ctcLink student homepage > manage classes > enrollment date).
Why do I have an Advising Hold?
All new credential seeking students are required to connect with their Academic Advisor or any available Advisor in their degree pathway each quarter until you have completed 30 college credits and have created an educational plan.
How do I get the Advising Hold lifted?
You can get the Advising Hold lifted several ways. Schedule an advising appointment with your advisor to discuss your class schedule and confirm your educational plan. Email your advisor to check in and confirm your classes, update your plans and let them know how you are doing. Come to Drop In Advising and connect with any available advisor. Your Advising Hold can be lifted by any available advisor. Give the Advising Center a call at 253-566-6091 or email us at
Undecided on a Major or Area of Study?
Consider utilizing the resources at TCC's Career Center!